19歳の時、恩師に「演奏に歌心を付けて更に磨きをかけるために、歌を習ってみては」と、古谷 充氏を紹介され、ジャズボーカルに出会う。
93年に渡米し、Billy Taylorなどが率いるサマースクールプログラム「Jazz In July」に参加。ここで師事したSheila Jordanに勧められ、City College of New York(ニューヨーク市立大学)の芸術学部音楽専攻ジャズ科に入学、Ron Carterを始めとする素晴らしい教授陣からジャズを学ぶ。96年に卒業し、学位を取得。
Born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, Hiromi started playing piano and organ at the age of 4 and studying composition at 7. She also began playing violin and clarinet at age 13.
When she was 19, while majoring in psychology at Doshisha University, Hiromi met Takashi Furuya, a well-known saxophonist and vocalist in Japan, who gave her vocal training. Although she was playing jazz tunes before, it was then that she became dazzled with jazz music and started singing at jazz clubs—mostly in Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe.
After graduating from college, Hiromi became a music teacher at Yamaha Music School.
Five years later, she decided to move to New York City to further her jazz studies. She was accepted to City College Of New York shortly thereafter and fell under the tutelage of great teachers such as Ron Carter and Sheila Jordan. She earned a degree of Fine Art & Music.
Hiromi performed at cafes, restaurants, and clubs, including Blue Note and Birdland.
In addition, she was a retained choir member at a gospel church in Harlem for more than 10 years. Now, she travels back and forth between Japan and the U.S. to perform.